Pepe's Venture to Iraq

Greetings All!!! I am going to document my vacation (chuckle) to Iraq on this Blog. Nothing mission or unit related... just a "day-in-the-life" type of commentary about how I am doing and about the people I work with. Of course the names you read here will be changed to protect the identities of the people I write about. I hope you enjoy!!!

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Location: Ft. McCoy, WI, United States

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm in Iraq

Hey!!! Here I am. It's hot and sandy. Very hot and very sandy. Did I mention it was hot? I'm shocked that I feel this way considering my Caribbean heritage. Oh well.

It was strange the first couple of nights here in Iraq. After living in various cities throughout my life, I never realized how accustomed I had become to city lights at night. Well… as you would guess… in combat zones, you typically don’t want those who wish you harm alerted to your whereabouts. One of the first casualties of the war of light discipline is… the street light. Yes, the slightly mundane existence of the street light is sorely missed here. The pain from walking head-long into a cable barrier highlights how sorely missed they are. But… I am a soldier. I adapt and overcome any obstacle before me. Needless to say, the aforementioned cable barrier is no longer in my path during the night.

I’ve also noticed how flat the terrain is here. Aside from the wavy dune patterns that the wind makes in the sand, it is flat here! I suppose the hill near the house I grew up in would seem like Mount Fuji to those who have lived around here their entire lives. I know that not all of Iraq is flat like this. But I am really not at liberty to just go off and tour the more mountainous regions of this country.

Well… I better get going. I hope you have enjoyed the first installment of my blog. I hope you continue to read what I write. And if you run into my wife and son, tell them I love and miss them very much. Of course I miss all of my friends and family, but I want this blog to be a non-redundant happy place. I could think of nothing more depressing than reading a bunch of dribble about all of the people and things I miss… I suspect you already know that I miss those things. I want to give you something that is harder to assume… I want to give insight to my Venture in Iraq!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepe, hope things are going well for you. I didn't tell yuou that I took Jerald to a national tournament last month in Omaha. there were kids there from 32 states. and a 32 man bracket and he came in 4th. He is working out 2 nights a week with a club that works out of the University.
Keep your head down and don't forget the body armor.
Larry Peterson

Friday, April 21, 2006 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepe, just want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy hearing your comments and want you to know how much we appreciate what you are doing for our country.
Joyce Bauer

Friday, May 26, 2006 12:58:00 PM  

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